Since the early 1980’s the Frankston Sharks BMX Club has been home for many riders of all ages, genders and skill, some going on to be state and Australian champions year after year!

Frankston Sharks BMX Club has seen many improvement transformations over the years, a change in committee and increased racing members from 160 and counting.
The most recent improvements in late 2017 saw the addition of bitumen berms and a new start gate scheduled for late December 2017, early January 2018.

The vibe at the club is at an all time high with a highly motivated, friendly and positive committee and member contribution that ensures the track and its facilities are well maintained for all its members and spectators.
Events such as Track Attack, The Frankston Sharks Summer Series and Helltrack are just some of the big events Frankston BMX Club play host too.
In 2018 Frankston Sharks BMX Club have been chosen to host a round of the most prestigious of all cycling events the Union Cyclist Internationale (UCI), which determines world champion cyclists. Frankston Sharks are proud to be hosting such an event and they invite you to attend on April 21-22, 2018.
If you haven’t been to Frankston Sharks BMX Club, we invite you to do so. Bring your bike, safety gear and a fun attitude and you’ll fit right in.
For more information contact the Frankston Sharks BMX Club at: frankston@bmxv.com.au